All orders are nicely and safely wrapped in the Japanese furoshiki style.

Furoshiki is a traditional way of Japanese wrapping to transport lunch, clothes, gifts or other goods. It was original made by cloth but nowadays it can be made of cotton, silk, paper or other materials.
Fuoshiki means “bath spread” and is dating back as far as the Nara Period (eighth century AD). In the onsen (traditional Japanese bath) Furoshiki was used to keep the clothes together, so they were not mixed up with all the other bathers’ clothes. Later also traders took advantage of “folding spread” to protect their goods or decorate gifts.
These days it is coming up again in Japan to reduce the use of plastic bags and wrapping paper for gifts.
Here you can find some guidance how to make Furoshiki by yourself.
Source: Ministry of the Environment Japan website (https://www.env.go.jp/en/focus/attach/060403-5.pdf)